Roel Systems offers advanced solutions in the field of security technology , targeted to the specific needs of each client , in which quality and professionalism are an important constant.
For over 23 years , more than 30,000 customers have trusted us and chose quality, cutting-edge technologies and a team of professionals , able to recommend the most efficient and modern solutions .
We are a single source for fire and burglary detection and alarm systems, mechanical and electronic access control, video surveillance, voice-data networks and telephony, BMS, public and ambient sound, etc.
We provide all the necessary steps for system implementation ,from risk assessment , advice in determining the needs of each client , design, to sales , installation, commissioning, staff training and providing maintenance and service operations required for each type of facility , offering complete services needed to implement the proposed technical solutions.
We offer turnkey solutions for industrial objectives , financial banking objectives , medical clinics, museums and tourist attractions , hotels , government and public interest objectives , office buildings , commercial and residential buildings.
Being integrators for end user oriented security solutions , we always choose the right solution and equipments, the main criterion being the certified quality and legal requirements , while respecting the wishes of our client. We work with equipment manufactured by world leaders in the fields of security , comfort and telecommunications , to provide reliability and quality for the systems that are recommended and installed by us. We keep our promises and our customer relationships are based on a long-term commitment , honesty and trust. We do not consider ourselves just a systems integrator , but also an advisor that recommends the most effective solutions possible . This is our idea of a dedicated long-term partnership .
Our Mission
We provide innovative solutions and premium services to protect people, properties and values . Everywhere and every day we use technology and experience to make life simple, safe and beautiful.