When designing mechanical access control systems – turnstiles, vehicle barriers, retractable poles bollard type, it is aimed to achieve a control or a protection of the inland input – output of the space to be controlled or protected. The space to be protected is generally prioritized on different levels of security, applying for each level the specific methods for this type of space, that best meet the security requirements imposed.
In case it is desired a strict control of the persons entering a particular restricted space – there are used input systems – like turnstiles. The systems like turnstiles (tripod type, Rotary turnstiles, access gates) are designed to allow access only in the condition that access is individual, so using such systems can be calculated – precisely – the number of persons in a particular area.
In case it is aimed to control vehicular traffic in the access points there are designed systems for access control – access control barriers type. In many of these applications there are used traffic light systems which regulates in time the access to the barrier but usually the barrier can be used without an order from an access control system, for this purpose being used only a remote control or control buttons (closed, open).
Designing the access control systems – retractable poles type aims to achieve systems used to control / limit traffic in urban areas, vehicle access management, for marking bicycle trails, alleys and urban accesses. Also, retractable bollard posts are recommended in areas with heavy traffic, they can be automatically activated by remote control or card by authorized persons.
Once the technical and organizational measures are in agreement, with the beneficiary’s consent, it is proceed to project preparation, following that, based on this, the installation of the designed system will begin.