

The design of the intrusion detection and alarm systems start from an objective analysis of needs based on the beneficiary’s requirements, the type of activity in the objective and risk analysis. Our experience in design, installation and maintenance of intrusion detection systems allows us to choose the best solutions tailored to each situation using leading technologies in the field.

Given the level of risk to burglary, of places or protected goods and the assessment of their content, alarm systems can be classified by levels of security. Therefore the optimal configuration of the system against intrusion alarm is given by this level of safety and environmental class.

As soon the technical and organizational solutions were established, all this in agreement with the client, it is proceed to preparing the project. This is a basic document required for starting and carrying equipment installation works.

From currency exchange offices to hospitals, from residential buildings to industrial projects, we offer turnkey design based on national and European norms and standards: Law 333/2003, HG301 / 2012 European Standaredele EN1143, EN50130 standards family … EN5013x EN 50 518, SR CLC / TR 50531: 2012, etc.

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Parti componente ale unui sistem de detectie si semnalizare efractie EN